
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I love you enough to let you go.

All I wanted from you was maybe assurance maybe the love I think I deserved. But perhaps I never deserve love, maybe I do but not from you.

I missed you the second I didnt see you, I worried about you, even if I know I have no bloody rights to give a damn bout you. I keep telling myself " give up, go away ... " even if I keep chanting to myself... I realize deep down me, I really wished you'd tell me " stay, please stay by me ". I really do... but it only happens if I dream aye?

The shitty thing is every night I think of you before I sleep, hoping that at least even in my dreams I get to see you, get to touch you, get the chance of being love by you.

I feel so despair. . . Not knowing the truth but noting that the truth is gonna kill me.. the ironic part? Im already dead.

We read about people love stories, we watch people fall in love. ... we get envious, hoping that we'd get a chance to be the main character in the love story...

I dont get it, didn't I portray enough signs or do enough to let you know I really love you? Why did you have to make it , as if I had this little glimpse of fucking hope and then tear me down. Do you enjoy seeing me in so much pain? Why did you always have to be this bloody cold to me.. & fuck , for one second of your "hot" attitude to me, I was contented.

When you half hugged me,
When you lie on my shoulder,
When you let me lie on your shoulder back,
When you held my hand for 3 seconds,
When you held my head close to your chest,
When you said 'love you' even when you didn't meant it....
When you feed me with love ,
When you eat the food I cut out for you,
When you wipe my lips with the tissue,

I love you even more. I wish I could hate you, I wish I could admit it doesn't matter. // It might not mattered if it came from others.. but it was you. All along, it was you.

The sad thing? You'll never realised how much I love you. Cause I was never really in your vision.

Telling myself to do the last thing before I leave, to give you a little guardian angel... to guard you for me because I can't do.. I wish I could be the only guardian angel, but I can't. So I hope it will guard you to be safe and sound .

I can't love you nor get any for you, but at least I know my angel will get love by you. I guess that will be enough... goodbye.

I promise this will be my last , I promise I'll not bother you I promise I will not hit you in the chest, I promise I'll never ask for your attention, I promise I'll never ask you accompany me for anything anymore. . I promise this will be my last. No matter what, please be strong. I love you..