
Thursday, July 4, 2013


我努力忘記 可是愛情怎麼喊停 和你在一起就像是在陽光裡 快樂到不想分離 為了你什麼都願意 這一次讓我昧著良心 提前離去

Maybe the stars are lost , maybe i'm lost in my thoughts
Maybe all these while it was this delusional i put myself in.
I can't escape from fears, but i can conquer'em can i?

The harder i try, the harder i seems to fall
I worried, I cried, I feared for the worst.
Then you hushed me, you tried to comfort me, telling me none of my thoughts will be real.

Attraction brought me to you, 
Addictive brought you to me ,
Attention is what that can't be brought or bought .....

The little time we had... I wished i could extend it .
I wished i could grab you a little tighter,
I wished i could hold you a little longer
I wished i could love you a little less...

so that maybe , it won't hurt so much.

Tonight, i wished you were there for me. 
I wished you'd give me more of the attention i craved for.
Maybe i need to beg..... or maybe i guess i'm just tired of begging.